The Most Unusual Uses of Asbestos You Should Know About

Asbestos is made from the collection of naturally occurring silicate minerals. It was commonly used as a building material. Due to its properties like good tensile strength, sound absorption, affordability, resistance to fire, its use was very popular among the builders and manufacturers of the 19th century.
Through-out the history many unusual uses of asbestos have been noted. You will find some weird uses of asbestos mentioned in this article. It’s hard to imagine that this substance was used in such unusual ways, especially now when we know the hazardous the effects of asbestos are on the human body.

Why is it Banned?

The use of asbestos is now banned as this substance imposes some serious threats on health. It causesmalignant lung cancer, a disease called asbestosis and mesothelioma. The use of asbestos as a building material is banned by the European Union.
But before the ban, it was heavily used and still the walls and structures of many buildings contain this substance. Construction, renovation and demolition work of these structures releases high concentration of asbestos fibers. Special work practices and engineering control methods are required to prevent it from getting mixed in the air.
As a measure to keep the workers safe, they must be properly trained in, how to safely remove asbestos from the walls when these structures are demolished. So, that the workers don’t inhale the microfibers of the asbestos during the procedure.

Few Necessary Products Required in Safe Handling/Disposal of Asbestos are:

Asbestos Masks- Asbestos masks are basically reusable respirators that are used to prevent inhaling the harmful substance. Asbestos removal is really a tough job but someone has to do it. The use of these asbestos face masks assures the protection of workers.

Asbestos Bags-
Asbestos bags are polyethylene debris bags used for safe disposal of the hazardous asbestos tile and insulation. These asbestos disposal bags are heavy duty bags available in 4 & 6 mils thickness and are safe to carry the debris for proper disposal.

FFP3 dust masks-
These are recommended in high toxicity environments. FFP3 dust masks are highly effective in such environments.

Many Notably Unusual uses of Asbestos that you will be Amazed to Know are:

After reading how harmful this substance is you will be pretty amazed to know that in the past it was widely used in quite unbelievable ways in some products and procedures. Pretty obviously this happened because people were not aware of its harmful effects at that time. Have a look on how and where asbestos was used.

Toothpaste- Yes, you read it right it was used in toothpastes. Asbestos fibers are abrasive so it was used in toothpastes. Now in retrospect this indeed looks quite horrifying. This toothpaste was made after the second world war.

Beauty Products-
Its fibers were used in production of some make up products and talcum powder. Its harmful effects were not known at that time and it was used for various reasons in these personal care products.

Fake Snow-
From the period of 1930 to 1950, it was used in making of fluffy-white snow product, that was mainly used in Christmas decoration and by this it was introduced in many households. This happened because of its fire-resistant properties and was preferred over other decorative materials that easily catch fires. On the sets of the film “The Wizard of Oz” this white snow-like product was used.

Surgical Thread-
This one is hard to believe but asbestos fibers were even used in surgical thread. The irony is that these were primarily used in lung surgeries after the second world war. The reason why they were used as surgical thread was due to the strength and flexibility of these fibers.

A Magical Tablecloth-
Charlemagne, a roman emperor and king of the franks, owned an asbestos tablecloth. He used to throw his tablecloth in fire to remove the stains from it, after the feast, in front of his guests. Due to the fire resistance properties of its asbestos fibers the tablecloth was saved from the fire.

Hair dryers-
In the salons of 1950s huge hood-style hair dryers contained a layer of heat-proof asbestos within the hood. It was used to protect the hair salon customers from getting burned.

Another absolutely unusual use of the asbestos fibers was in the filters of cigarettes. At that time, it was advertised to be highly beneficial for the customer’s health.

Around 2500 BC, reportedly the first use of asbestos happened in the production of clay to make wares such as bowls and pots for home. This further continued in the production of ornaments from it.

Young Benjamin Franklin, at the age of 19, owned a purse made of asbestos fibers. When he travelled to England, he sold his purse to a collector of objects of historical value. Later it was donated to the British Museum.

These are really some very unusual uses of asbestos in the history. Now people are aware of its harmful effects on health and it’s banned to used due to that. But these are some very interesting facts to know about how popularly this harmful substance was used in the past. 

Original Article Source: The Most Unusual Uses of Asbestos You Should Know About

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