How PPE can Protect your Workers During Summer Season

How PPE can Protect your Workers During Summer Season

Being exposed to excessive heat and humidity can lead to severe health problems. Keeping this in mind, it is vital for an organization to provide its employees with appropriate PPE kits, FFP1 mask, and other such protective equipment.

With each passing year, summers are getting warmer. The scorching summer sun not only creates hassles for people in general; however, especially for workers, things become a bit more dangerous while working on construction sites.

If there is increased humidity, no proper ventilation and lesser movement of air around, it can lead to a lot of problems, ranging from common to severe ones.
So, if you have employees working on a site where a bright, direct sun can create problems, it is essential to understand their requirements and provide them with adequate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).But, how can a PPE kit keep your workers protected during the summer? Scroll down and read more about it.

Protection from UV Rays:


There is a massive difference between UV rays in summers and that in winters. During the hot season, when you are in direct contact with the UV rays, it can lead to serious allergies and infections on your skin. 

Not just that, but sometimes, it can result in a higher risk of burn as well. In such a scenario, adequate PPE can protect the workers from facing the backlash of the direct sun.

Keeping the Stings at Bay:


Although the summer season brings a lot of good things along, what accompanies is a variety of insects that can be quite pesky. Working in an open environment, without proper protective equipment can make your workers a bait to uncomfortable bites and stings from these insects.  So, it is quite important to provide your employees with full sleeves clothing so that they can work with ease.

Preventing Hazardous Fatigue:

Sure, summers can be quite welcoming after cold, chilly winter days.  But, too much of the summer sun can also cause fatigue for workers who spend the entire day outside. In case your employees are putting overtime, the sun can suck the energy out of them.

Fatigue can be a bit more than tiredness. It can decrease the physical and mental functioning, affect concentration, and lower down the motivation. If your workers are working near traffic signal or are operating heavy machines, things may get worse for them. In such a situation, keeping them away from direct sunlight and providing them hats as well as FFP3 masks to avoid direct sun could be the solution.

Averting Heat-Related Illnesses:

Heat stress could lead to a lot of relevant diseases that can have a severe effect on the health of your workers. Some of the most common illnesses are heat cramps and heat rashes, which can occur because of humid conditions and excessive sweating. While heat cramps are painful, heat rashes cause small, red bumps on the skin. 

In some situations, heat exhaustion could be more serious than cramps and rashes. It mostly affects those workers who carry out strenuous work in high humidity and temperature. One of the best precautions for heat stress is providing your workers with such clothing that is light in color, is manufactured with breathable fabric and has loose fittings.

Enhancing the Overall Protection:

Basically, the summer season is the season of construction.  Whether it is about directing traffic from an under-construction site or filling in the potholes, there is a lot that workers tend to do during the season. Hence, if your construction sites are surrounded in the vicinity of people or general traffic, it becomes extremely important for you to provide your employees with PPE equipment, such as full face respirators and more.

If they are working with heavy machines, you may provide them with a certain kit that comprises precise equipment to protect their ears and eyes. If not, a basic face protection equipment kit is a must.


To keep cool during the summer season, it is essential for your employees to limit sun exposure as much as possible. Apart from providing them with required personal protective equipment, you can also follow some additional precautions. 

For instance, you can provide an adequate supply of water on the site.  And, you can also schedule periodic break throughout the day. Overheating can cause heatstroke, stress and can also lead to body shock. Thus, it is vital to educate your workers on how they can recognize the signs of uneasiness caused because of hot summers so that they can be safe and cool. 

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