How to Protect Your Community with a Face Mask in Public

How to Protect Your Community with a Face Mask in Public

The Coronavirus pandemic has brought to the fore the importance of healthy hygiene. Use of sanitizers, disinfection of public places and frequent soap-based hand wash are some of the common measures included in the health advisories issued by administrations of almost all the affected countries.

While these steps are indispensable to ensure a healthy populace, combining them with the use of masks in public completes the checklist. Masks shield you from harmful contagions that may enter your body through nose or mouth from symptomatic or asymptomatic patients of various diseases.
Read on to find how you can protect your community by adhering to a simple act of wearing a mask in public.

Understanding Community Transmission

Contagions usually spread via three ways:

       Through air
       Through contaminated objects
       Through direct contact with infected person.

A disease is said to have entered the community transmission phase when it’s origin can no longer be traced. In other words, the disease spreads in an entire community affecting a large number of people without any clearance on the potential source of the spread. This creates a hurdle insignificant exercises such as contact tracing. Some of the diseases that can transform into community transmission are:-

       H1N1 or Swine Flu
       Bird Flus
       Ebola virus
       Zika virus

Role of Masks in Preventing Community Transmission

Particles of viral infections are released as aerosols at the time of coughing and sneezing by the infected patient. These aerosols (liquid particles suspended in air) are highly contagious as they may contain viral load as high as 53%. Let’s understand how you can arrest their spread by wearing masks.

1.    In some infections where the incubation period of the virus is longer, it takes some time for the symptoms to become visible. Therefore, at the pre-symptomatic stage, the concerned individual may not be aware that he/she is the carrier of the virus which can potentially spread in the community. Wearing a mask at such a stage minimizes the emission of respiratory droplets. This is because of the multilayer protection that a mask offers.

2.    Another method of transmission of these diseases is through objects. The particles (aerosols) keep resting on objects such as tables, chairs etc. and you may pick them up unknowingly by touching them. Frequent touching of mouth and nose may then lead to these particles finding a way inside your body and start incubating. Wearing a mask may significantly reduce these leisurely touches.

3.    Wearing a mask does not mean wearing it loosely or just for the sake of compliance. A loose mask will not effectively check the inhalation of pathogens. Therefore, a mask should be worn snugly and tightly. Some masks like sundstrom mask work at par with respirators. In addition to offering protection they also filter the air while inhaling.

4.    Some masks such as N-95, come for specialized uses by doctors and medical staff. Because of their material, they are a little costlier than their counterparts. They should be substituted with reusable face mask which are comfortable and durable. This way, you can contribute in maintaining sufficient stocks of such specialized masks for their respective use by suitable persons.

5.    Cleaning the mask is as significant as purchasing one. A mask that can be re-used should be cleaned at regular intervals as part of healthy sensitization habits. This ensures that the mask is relieved of all harmful virus particles it may have been exposed to. For people who are associated with travel or exposed to smoke or dust, it is advisable to switch to disposable dust masks. They can be used for as best as 7 days and are both cost and performance effective.

6.   There is also a protocol in place for disposing of a worn mask. Simply throwing a mask in an open space or in a garbage bin must be avoided as it can be dangerous for sensitization workers and animals. Before disposing of your mask, make sure you keep it in a plastic bag or any other covering.

Different diseases over the years have repeatedly underscored the need for masks. A timely decision of using masks reduces the risk of transformation of such diseases into epidemics and pandemics which affect different communities. While administrations and governments play their part in arranging the best health infrastructure, people must also play their part in protecting themselves and their community. Get a mask today and contribute to the cause!

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